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Factbook Archives

Workforce, 2015 through 2021

These snapshots reflect breakdowns by “Professorial Faculty” and “Academic Professionals.” In December of 2022, presentations adopted the “University Faculty” and “RTE Faculty” nomenclature.

Academic Employees, 2001 through 2017

Academic employees include ranked professors, instructors, lecturers, teaching associates, research and extension associates, librarians, and archivists. Temporary employees (including all post docs) and casual employees are thus excluded.  Academics on leave are included.  Headcounts are as of November 1.


Nonacademic Employees, 2001 through 2017

When counting employees, we exclude student employees, temporary employees, casual employees, and those on layoff or leave status.  Headcounts are as of November 1 each year.


2011 Factbook

The 2011 Cornell University Factbook, a series of pdf documents, is available below.