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Official, accurate, and unbiased information and analysis


This section concerns enrollments as of the official fall census date. Data are included for undergraduate, graduate, and professional students. To present a detailed picture of enrollment patterns, data are provided for each of the undergraduate colleges by class level. The enrollments in the professional schools are shown in aggregate and by school. The enrollments of graduate students are shown in aggregate and by division (endowed/contract). A distinction has been made between total registration and total on-campus full-time enrollment throughout this section.

The sources of all enrollment data are the University Registrar, the Graduate School’s series of fall registration reports, and Medical Division’s Registrar.


In the Summer of 2005, two major hurricanes hit the Louisiana area. Universities and colleges throughout the United States welcomed displaced students from the affected area.  For the Fall 2005 semester, Cornell enrolled 195 students from Tulane University, Dillard University, Xavier University, and the University of New Orleans. These students have been removed from all Cornell enrollment statistics (above) and are reported here:

Special Enrollment Fall 2005 (pdf)